The society as we know it, is corrupted. We live in a "rat race" society where the ultimate goal is to make a profit. We are slaves of our same society; we born to work. We work to the corporations without knowing that they are our masters. The same corporations that control societies, the same corporations that put presidents on charge, the same corporations that control our ways of thinking. They control MONEY and technology. Technology advances can make our life easier or fix our problems, but if there are not any profit in creating a new invention or solution it wont be any reason to their existence. In other words, if y don't get money they wont allow any solution. For example, ONE hour in the afternoon of solar energy contains more energy what the entire world consume in one year. But what's the profit???? We need to replace our monetary society by a resource society.....until then, will be a free society!!! what we have now, is not freedom...we just have some ...
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